About Conrad Orta

Here's a bit about me and my experience in Full-Stack Web Design and Engineering

My Background in Art and Science

What has held true in my past is all the more relevant now, solving complex problems requires a creative approach with a high degree of technical proficiency. Using a React front end and coupling that to a Flask-SQLAlchemy backend is akin to a live tracking session in the studio. Setting up your players in the live room, careful mic placement, and lines of sight so that the band can play their best is like designing the schema of your database. Choosing how to route that data in the server is like patching-in vintage vacuum tube pre-amp and optical compressor across your vocal track. Balancing sound levels across the faders on the mixing console, making all the inputs blend together in harmony, is analogous to building your front-end framework to parse that data into beautiful content for your application.

My notion of what a programmer was and how they operated was based on popular culture. I figured that I, a freelance recording engineer and journey-man fishmonger was a far cry from the ideal software developer. I’ve now come to find that my skill set is aptly suited for the coding world and fits hand-in-glove as it were. The ability to think creatively with loops to solve complex problems logically is both an art and a science. My creative potential in any field is directly proportional to my technical prowess within it.

I bring passion and creativity to every project I’ve worked on. To me, manifesting something that was just a flipbook of ideas in your head into a physical object in the real world is my greatest joy in life. Whether that was a hook and melody that transpired to become a hit single or a script and a few seed data points that blossomed into a fully functioning application, the process remains the same to me. By fusing my technical expertise with my creative ambitions, I solve complex problems to develop innovative software.


Relevent Technologies:

Artboard 16 Artboard 12
Artboard 5
Artboard 13 Artboard 15

Brand Identity

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.

Web Design & UI

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.

Development & CMS

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.